ĖJZENŠTEJN. essay + interview
Friedrich Nietzsche, Dynamic scheme of time, spring 1873. Pen drawing from the Nachgelassene
Fragmente. Nietzsche-Archiv, Weimar.
Fragmente. Nietzsche-Archiv, Weimar.
An Unexpected Influencer. Aby Warburg as a Muse for Contemporary Visual Culture
curated by Chiara Capodici and Benedetta Cestelli Guidi
Check out this link https://leporello-books.com/en/marta-tonelli-architect-and-photographer-2/ to download Marta's essay on the technique of montage seen through the two paradigmatic figures of Sergej Michajlovič Ėjzenštejn and Aby Warburg, along with an interview!
curated by Chiara Capodici and Benedetta Cestelli Guidi
Check out this link https://leporello-books.com/en/marta-tonelli-architect-and-photographer-2/ to download Marta's essay on the technique of montage seen through the two paradigmatic figures of Sergej Michajlovič Ėjzenštejn and Aby Warburg, along with an interview!